Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was walking along the road, to the rickshaw stand I called up Shraddha to inform I was not going to attend the first lecture, since I was a bit late, and on top of that there was an auto-rickshaw strike. In that case where was I going? Well, I was so tired of sitting home all these days, since after a long weekend; we had another holiday, due to the Parsi New Year, and all our trekking plans [we made two, second, after the failure of the first] were cancelled. :( I was determined to go to college, even though I would have to walk up to the station. I wish I was so determined as far my studies were concerned.

So as on the way, I decided to call Shraddha, I called her up, in a sleepy tone she answered and broke the bad news on me, that lectures are cancelled :( I was really sad when I heard this, whatever the strike was for; I hope the teachers got whatever they’d been demanding for, because I don’t want the holiday to go waste. Anyways, as I said Shraddha broke the news to me, and still determined not to go home and do nothing, I kept on walking, calling people, asking, expecting that someone would tell me that lectures are not cancelled, then I tried to call some old friends [old i.e. friends from my school. And Jr. College], but in vain, all had their lectures, college, lucky chaps!

I just don’t want any more of holidays, not in the coming 4 weeks for sure. Maybe a hectic week, early morning practical will just do the thing for maybe, and maybe I’ll long for a long holiday then! Maybe!

But for now, I would like to call them THE HORRIBLE HOLIDAYS!!!


Unknown said...

dont worry re! We tend to get bored of the things we have in excess, u wud b fine soon, over all a good post, should have been longer I wish!

Sameeta Kambli said...

yeah...i hope i get back to normal asap.... should've been longer!!!
thanks a lot for the advice!!!!
will take care of it the next time!

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘My Words Speaking For My Mind!!!!!!’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
