Thursday, December 31, 2009

*****HAPPY NEW YEAR*****

Wish You All Readers a Very Happy New Year. It feels great when I come to know that there are readers of my blog. Thanks a lot to everyone who reads my blog, it feels appreciated.

Personally I don’t think that 1st Jan is a beginning of a New Year, because, a new year for me has always been in June (academic New Year) or else 27th November (my birthday). But I would like to take this day as a reason to jot down all of those important things I try to remind myself everyday, things which might improve me! Basically, my New Year Resolutions are as follows:

· I’ll sleep late…..( because even if I sleep early, I’ll still get up late, hence wasting my 50% day in sleeping)

· I’ll not publish pessimistic poems (people start looking at me with pity)

· I’ll try my best to improve my concentration (Distracted is my second name)

· I’ll try my best to conserve water. (water is life)

· I’ll try my best to contribute towards improving environmental conditions, if not improve I’ll avoid further damage. (SAVE EARTH…GO GREEN!)

· I’ll remind myself, I’m not in this world to change people, I can give suggestions not advises. (this is to avoid making further enemies)

· I’ll avoid speaking when I’m angry or frustrated! (Or else the result will be explosive as always!)

· I’ll remind myself, be honest and don’t hide things from your best friends, because, even your worst mistake will be forgiven by them! (After all, they Love you!)

· While watching television when there are no movies or nothing else better to watch, I won’t surf channels mindlessly! (It wastes the remaining 50% of my day!)

· I’ll improve my knowledge about Indian Mythology. (It’s better than last year, but still needs help!)

· I’ll try to be more planned. (I need to take this one seriously!)

· I’ll try…er…. I have to understand, to sort out my priorities! (No trying here!)

· I’ll learn to say “NO”, when I can’t really do a thing. (kya karu ke mujhe na kehna nahi ata –a song by Shaan, suits me perfectly!)

· I’ll try to improve my vocabulary of English as well as Marathi. (Hm, not much difficult! >>I guess!)

· I’ll improve on my “spoken English” (which is weakened due to reduced English conversations!)

· I’ll improve my political knowledge (basically my general knowledge).

· I’ll smile for no reason! (Most favorite resolution!)

· And finally! I’ll say the following prayer everyday,

Dear God,

Give me the courage to accept situations

I can’t change.

The Power to change,

Situations I can.

The ability to tell the,

Difference between these two situations.

1 comment:

sanket kambli said...

While watching television when there are no movies or nothing else better to watch, I won’t surf channels mindlessly!

that is a good activity!! dont stop!!

best wishes always