I call it as the quest of 18, because when I was not 18 then I used to wonder why is 18 given so much of an importance and why not nineteen which by it’s ending –teen should be preferably given much importance? I used to wonder why does the band Creed have a song “I’m eighteen; I get confused everyday, eighteen I just don’t know what to say”.
But now I’ve realized it, when I’ve finally reached the age EIGHTEEN!!!!!! I’ve reached this age in November and since then till now really my mind works a lot, more than it should on matters, not so important. And then I wonder why in the first place was I thinking about it?
There is a constant fight within; I just don’t know how many personalities reside inside me! I become highly unpredictable, at times surprising the angel within, and at times the devil.
Sometimes it’s just the urge to be like everyone else, sometimes the heart just wishes to go against the trend! Sometimes there is a feeling of being a teacher’s pet, sometimes of being a total punk. Sometimes I want to be a drama queen; sometimes I prefer the back stage. Sometimes I want crowd around me, sometimes I just want to be lonely in my room!
And on all that when I try to see what I am exactly like, through some silly know yourself quizzes, I feel like selecting all the options given….??? Eventually confusing me more than I am already!
Then I wonder why in the first place am I thinking of all this, when I’ve better things in life to think about? Like, how my internship in companies like Cadbury and Shangrila will be, or how I enjoyed my stay at my friend’s place!
But that’s what your brain does when you are EIGHTEEN!!!! Before you are EIGHTEEN you wonder why it’s given so important, after you are EIGHTEEN you just wonder, why are you doing, whatever that is being done! And after EIGHTEEN maybe I’ll think why I did this, or did not do this when I was EIGHTEEN? Thus carrying on the quest of EIGHTEEN till eternity!