The problem with plans is that they always turn out as flops. So this time when we decided to go for a trek, I thought not planning would be a better option. So, this time, nothing was planned, until the last minute. The previous night, people were informed, and all those who could make it at such short notice, were finalized.
The destination we’d decided for our trek was ‘Peth Fort’ in Ambivali village. We went by train to ‘Karjat’ from there; we took a 6-seater auto, and reached at the foot of the hills. Well, the start wasn’t that good. It was all bright and sunny, and I thought, we are going to get exhausted just by climbing all the way. We did, when 50% of it was done, we were breathing and sweating heavily! When we reached a plateau, we rested! That is when the climate changed!
Suddenly, there were slight showers, superb wind, and fog everywhere. We took some rest, clicked pictures! And had an amazing time till we set off again! This time happier and fresher, as the climate had just made us felt better!
After a glass of refreshing lemon juice, we set off! As we walked, the top tempted us more, and we just walked wherever we could see a path! The fog intensified, that is when it felt the most thrilling. Suddenly flashes of ‘Pandora’, ran through my mind, felt as if I’m in Pandora, without even the machine or the Na’vi-human hybrid bodies. Later we came across a pond in which we spent some time, and decided that while returning have fun in there.
We went further, through, the fog, where we could hardly see anything in front of us, just tried walking along the path at our feet that was the only thing visible. Finally we reached the village, and at the exact foot of the hill we wanted to climb. But we did a mistake, instead of looking up, at the top and decide the direction; we kept on continuing the path beneath, and ended up on a mountain opposite the peak we had decided to go on! We realized that we had come on a wrong mountain, when we reached the top there and saw that there wasn’t any way to get to the exact opposite mountain.
At first we were disappointed, as we could not make it to our goal. But come to think of it, we took the road less traveled, where, none other than some cows and buffaloes and their caretakers-the villagers come. There we met one such villager, and he said, he can show us a short-cut to reach, and he took us through that way, he cut short a distance of half an hour to 15 minutes. He didn’t took us through the pathways, he took us through slopes, and we could see he would climb down a slope like he’s climbing down some stairs, and we too with a lot of apprehension, and not so confidently, walked down the slope.
He left us at the foot of the hill, and told us this is where you went wrong. As we did not have time to again climb all the way to the top, we thought better, and decided to return, as we wanted to catch the last bus from that place.
We walked some more, stopped at another plateau, had food. And started walking again, walking down at times was nice, swift and easy, but after a while, pressure on toes, along the stony pathway was really painful and tiresome, still we walked along. Stopped at few spots, rested, clicked pictures, and walked till we came to that pond. At first we were just resting as if we are in some spa, and getting a pedicure done. But then, one friend started splashing water, and the next moment, everyone was splashing water, and after some time, we were literally sitting in that pond. It was really great, refreshing, and fun!

We left the pond, and started walking down again, this time determined, not to stop anywhere, as we might miss our bus. So we did, we walked down all the way, reached the foot, waited for the bus, barged into it, reached Karjat station. The ride till the station was very bumpy and it made me feel giddy and nauseated. Then, we got freshened up at the station, ate some ‘famous DIWADKAR vada pav’ and finally, the train left karjat and we were home after a 1hr 45 mins journey.
Along with the journey, a wonderful day came to and end. We still have these memories, and photographs, that will stay in mind as lush and green as the mountains were!