Where are the rains, the June is half gone, rains are supposed to take a vacation in summer and winter not in June?
It doesn’t feel like a beginning, it does not feel like a new year, it does not feel like everything is starting now and all of this just because of this silly climate. Starting of the monsoon isn’t just a beginning of a season. It means beginning of a new year.
Here I am not talking about the calendar-new year, the Jan 1st New Year, but a new academic new year. When in school, we used to buy umbrellas, new tiffin boxes, bottles, uniforms and of course new books when it either used to be gloomy or it rained. Not just school the rain also reminds me the beginning of my college life. The first year was full of apprehension? Of how would my life here be? Will I make any friends? Will there be good professors? Will I make a fool of myself? All of this! And as far as the second year goes, imagining the rain means, imagining, the apprehension of going in front of *ahem* the crushes, the plans we made for the year, the bunks and the feeling of being a senior to someone. Wow!
I am sort of feeling many things at the beginning of the third year, like the feeling of seriousness, not so sleepy lectures, feeling of being the ultimate senior, realization that this is the last year in college. But, but, but it would have been a wonderful aroma, if they were with some wet roads, wet umbrellas and wet bags! It’s been past more than half of June and there is no sign of rain, not even a drop, why? I think the way people here waste water, so, the sky is trying to save it, so that we get water at least for a living.
So the only way for the rain to fall soon would be to pray to the sky, so here I write a letter to the sky.
Dear sky,
Please, life without rains is like a parched throat; whenever we try to open it all we feel is the hoarseness. Please, please, please we want it to rain here on earth as soon as possible. We promise we won’t waste water, we’ll try and save water and tell more and more people to do so. But please let it rain, please.
Yours truly