Easy, Difficult, Obvious, Stupid.
Questions will be Questions.
Questions are very Good When you know the answer, they are interesting when you think over it and you come to an answer, questions are stupid when you never think this could possibly be an answer. But questions are full of quest, when you can never come to an answer. How much ever you think about them, look around for an answer, you hardly come to one. There's no book that holds all these answers, but books having the writers their own experiences over such answers. But most of the time, many experiences just confuses us even more.
Such are the questions of life. Life has been putting such questions on us, all the time. How hard we try to find an answer, we just can't. These questions are not right or wrong, these are just answers, respective to the situations. The answers to these questions come on their own, they dawn upon us suddenly, at just the right time. It's alright if we don't worry about them, but still we do. Life teaches us most of the time,through these questions. The questions are better left unanswered. It's like when you are thinkin hard over a name you can't recollect, but you still can't, and when you stop thinking about it, bang there comes the answer to your mind, similiarly these answers come to us, when we least expect it, but at the right time. But this curious human mind, just loves to linger over it, think over it, and try to get an answer to it. To the questions of life.